Sunday, November 24, 2013

Word of Mouth...

Dear Reader,

In the old circles lips to ear, was the ways it was passed down. I would like to try this in a modern marketing sense...

Operation ask you're local book store if they have the book Alchemical Whispers: Insomniax Doktrine Vol.II
Looking for 100 local  volunteers that go to book stores regularly and simply, ask the clerk, or librarian if they have Alchemical Whispers: Insomniax Doktrine Vol.2
Alchemical whispers please and thank you its my power of word of mouth experiment to pay it forward,
for each copy your simple asking a clerk if they carry my book, is one step closer to getting
Alchemical Whispers: Insomniax Doktrine Vol. 2 into book stores, and I am told word of mouth,
is the best advertiser I wanted to try Operation 100 people
ask your local.
book store about
alchemical whispers: Insomniax Doktrine Vol.2
Thank You All! Its is a great book.enjoy.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

New Book Released! The Works of LKCP2KX

My new book The Works of LKCP2KX 

The Works Of LKCP2KX: Akashic Scryer
Authored by LKCP Lance K Cruz P.
List Price: $6.38 
5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on Cream paper
82 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1493796748 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1493796747
BISAC: Philosophy / Metaphysics

The first 55 pages is a teaser of my up and coming new short story Akashic Scryer, Also included are new poetry works of LKCP2KX.

Akashic Scryer is a story of a kid that enters into a world of merging physical and astro-physcal into everyday reality and using akashic skies to time travel. It all starts When the kid met Odin in the Alley outside of the Apartment complex after reciving a vial his life change forever.

the story was inspired by life events in this long strange trip it truley has been into the mystery. This Story is written in Non Traditional form, People have said it feels like a guided meditation or some sort of exierence. What ever your story the book will have its own personal meaning to each reader.

I have 2 other poetry books published, Insomniax Doktrine & Alchemical Whispers: Insomniax Doktrine Vol.2, and Penny Scryer my latest book is this one.

I am told my style is a cross of esoteric & Gynsberg ish =) I hope you Enjoy reading this book as I have enjoyed writing it!

CreateSpace eStore:  

Insomniax Doktrine Vol. 1

first book i had written

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Atoms Split

When a
thought dropped,
words caressed
the page in scriptures,
atoms split while
mending simultaneously.

is he
in the eyes of the one,
the center
is the
furthest point
of self yet,
lay so near,
the serpent slumbers
beneath the sun.

Cranium, ponders Will.
will I be the
snake charmer
and call fourth,
divine powers
of the Shakti,
and dance within
self of inner space,
or remain among the
walking dead,
Searching for what
is already there.

Hidden beneath
the solar rays,
inverted beside the vortexes,
silently humming...
Galactic drums sound
can only be heard in
the silence.



He was an alcoholic, 
She was addicted to gambling.
Equally they walked amongst the nightlife.

As Enemies they walk amongst them selves.
screams would echo through the hollow house, 
plates shattering, doors slammed, 
the earth shakes in the eyes of the child.

Looking for an escape, a face planted in the pillow
trying to push away into the distance.
 sleep is rare, as the imagination runs freely,


listen to time.
floating in space.
during the hours of night.
under the moon into the sun.
the planets danced one by one.
year after year, centuries, if not decades.

The wise would gather and observe celestial dance.
while others would worship and dance in trance.
while others would harvest and harness thier powers.

always will there be the ones who know,
always will there be the one who don't.
always darkness there will be,
as always the light continues to grow.

Do what you will do what you must,
find knowlege of self.
this you must trust.

For my yearbook says,
from a past life, beyond.
"when all the rest are dead and gone,
1993 will still rock on"...


Dreams Agenda

Our world, so advanced yet some how we are not Civil-ly evolved. We had a deep rooted esoteric foundation, a modern infrastructure yet, we still act like we are from barbaric times.

Here we thought to have established democracy...yet our leaders seem to act out as monarchy.

What example have we set fourth for our youth in these last much further would our space travel technology be if we spent less time destroying each other for a knowledge that should be shared.

If the gods spoke to us as they did would there still be a need for blood, as advanced as we are today...or as we should be.

Already some have chosen the path of the microchip...but to me to become part machine is not the organic evolution of the human matter.

cell phones are like primitive versions of, telepathy. An alien whispered through the eclipse and asked the world forgivness.

Vexed in a world wind of restless thought, I see clutters of visions left in a world of broken dreams, fight over who knows god most?

I find it intriguing yet hard to believe that it only has to do with religion. We see the outcome when one seeks mystery...burnt at the stake.

This poverty can be erased if we took our explosive, devices set them aside...and made more devices for growing food sources in droughted countries.

Use that money to find ways to purify our many more messes will we leave for our children to clean.

One day we will realize that all of our technology combined can make great instruments of mass_ ive healing...

And then my alam clock rang, third eye closes eyes awakened, I pondered, were it sweat our a trailing tear running into the myst.


aka L.K. Cruz P.