Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lucid Living

I was once a dreamer, who wanted to live the dream, until I found it easier to be the dreamer lucidly living... as reality unfolds itself before my eyes, realizing thoughts become creation if given the time.

Time though, is never given, and one must fight for what has been taken, for what is the price of true freedom? we are crafted to be slaves of self, looking outside windows to be free from doors without locks, blinded by keys without a purpose.

In this World of dreams no one dares to sacrifice. but they look up to it an worship a price that is greater than any self. To wake in a cloud of wisdom is to rain knowlege onto the world of dreams and fertalize the living who dwell on its dimensions.

Some say 3D, some Say 5D but the truth of nothing is Limitless...
as it were, Infinity


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