Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Measure a single grain of sand against a thought of nothing whilst sailing on cosmic gases,


Exhalation slow perceptions of the vortex gathering pranic particles swirling merkaba housed by inner space.

Inhaling concentration on nothing oneness with the emptyness having no thoughts...

Dwelling in silent emotion without expression of the liquid glass filling the atmosphere within.

A thousand unfolding peddles of the lotus that has never seen the sun rise, mimicing the dusk as it lays to rest in lunar lights.

The waters whisper the scryers song, vocabulary scribed by passing winds to pass on the words of the wise...

And once again time stood still against the masses that had become so dependent on its hands.

Awakening otherwise the second hand within the self, self aware of one is a creator harmonic to its nature...

Expanded tenticals reach out toward kundalini evaporation into akashic mists melting ...



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