Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Reflection of Duality

Written on pages of thin air...history recorded archived in collective unconscious we roam freely within its pages.
Making use of a full cycle of Sun to Moon, Lunar to Solaris in our modern divisions of this observations we categorize as time.
Till the day we see clearly through eyelids, piercing illusionary visions we bend perceptions of what is "real".
Lost in false matter searching for importance in its state of being, reflections taking first steps out of the glass...
Or were itself a product from the silver gate which side was more real, the reflective material or the glass & gum that binds dimensions as one.
Now both stand before the mirror for the first time a quadrant perspective of its dualistic program revealed...
Question upon questions arise, and the one that lingers how many more reflected will step beyond the gate, will they ever fuse into the same body as one...
Or forever endlessly search an eternity outside the self for answers which they have no questions.


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